purposeful conversations technology for conversations voicevoice platform

Announcing the VoiceVoice Platform, Technology for Conversations

Reading Time: 3 minutes

[Editor’s note: the original version of this posted can be found on the MaestroConference company blog. This version below has been lightly edited.]

Since inception, the company behind MaestroConference has stood for something bigger than just the technology. As I’ve always told potential investors, and team, and anyone who would listen- we exist to support those purposeful conversations our customers want to have with their global stakeholders. In particular, we specialize in conversations where everyone can participate fully and feel involved and included, with lots of small groups that are coordinated and doing something “together.”

And, we’re about to launch our biggest innovation since our founding. But it’s not MaestroConference, and it’s not really even conferencing per se.

So here it is- arguably our biggest, most important announcement since founding this company.


I am proud & excited to officially announce the

VoiceVoice Platform, Technology for Conversations.

Announcing the VoiceVoice platform, technology for conversations

Click to check out the new VoiceVoice platform

This new technology extends our core purpose to light up the world with these great, purposeful conversations- the kind our customers have been hosting with MaestroConference- but now with even greater scale and with far greater ease. In particular, these conversations are designed to be shared easily with friend or community, and thus, to go “viral” while still giving every participant the powerful experience of a live, intimate conversation with other people.

Interested in checking out the new platform and what role you might play in its launch? Visit the product page with video + see below for other options.


How does the VoiceVoice platform work?

This new platform will extend well beyond traditional conferencing software. The VoiceVoice platform is about the participation of live voices in purposeful conversations, even when a tremendous number (hundreds, thousands, even millions) of people are participating.

The platform allows a host to record the facilitation elements for a great small group conversation: from introduction and inspirational talks, to discussion questions and structured output. Each participant signs up for a live group discussion (or can initiate their own), which can happen over weeks or months (unlike with MaestroConference, where everyone- presenters, staff, and participants- has to be there at the same time). The group navigates together through a conversation, discussing each topic at their own pace, and collaborating for the group output (wiki, proposal, or written/video statement for another group).

And, it’s designed to be viral– these live video conversations leveraging the recorded facilitation are happening repeatedly, autonomously, and at scale.  So participants can say “Hey, that was great, I’m gonna tell my friends!” and that conversation is still available for the next group whether that’s the same day or next week or next month.

Announcing the VoiceVoice platform, technology for conversations

Want to learn more?

  • Click here to opt in for future announcements about the VoiceVoice platform.
  • Leave us a comment on our Facebook page facebook.com/wearevoicevoice (Please “Like”!! It’s brand new, so thank you!)
  • Interested in participating, hosting a conversation, authoring, or getting the word out for our launch series? Sign up as a potential Ambassador.
  • Want to own shares, and potentially profit? Check out our Crowdfunding page.
  • Visit the product page.
  • Share this announcement on social media and via email using the share buttons.


Rest assured, MaestroConference will still exist, and indeed, we continue to upgrade and build upon the MaestroConference platform. But we’re really excited to finally be able to unveil the all new, powerful VoiceVoice platform, so you’ll be hearing from us as the VoiceVoice brand a lot more from here on!

We believe that conversations can change the world, and that this new platform will take conversations to another level in terms of scale, depth, ease, and impact.

Thank you for following VoiceVoice as a potential participant, customer, partner, sponsor, or friend.

-Brian Burt, Founder/CEO

VoiceVoice, the Conversation Company

P.S.  If you share the vision, the easiest way to support us would be to Like the FB page, sign up as an Ambassador, and/or check out our Crowdfunding page. Again, thank you very much!

A revolutionary platform for conversations - VoiceVoice

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