purposeful conversations technology for conversations voicevoice platform

Announcing the VoiceVoice Platform, Technology for Conversations

Reading Time: 3 minutes

[Editor’s note: the original version of this posted can be found on the MaestroConference company blog. This version below has been lightly edited.]

Since inception, the company behind MaestroConference has stood for something bigger than just the technology. As I’ve always told potential investors, and team, and anyone who would listen- we exist to support those purposeful conversations our customers want to have with their global stakeholders. In particular, we specialize in conversations where everyone can participate fully and feel involved and included, with lots of small groups that are coordinated and doing something “together.”

And, we’re about to launch our biggest innovation since our founding. But it’s not MaestroConference, and it’s not really even conferencing per se.

So here it is- arguably our biggest, most important announcement since founding this company.


I am proud & excited to officially announce the

VoiceVoice Platform, Technology for Conversations.

Announcing the VoiceVoice platform, technology for conversations

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purposeful conversations

What Are “Purposeful Conversations”?

Purposeful Conversations: People Actually Talking
Reading Time: 2 minutes

[Editor’s note: the original version of this posted can be found on the MaestroConference company blog. This version below has been lightly edited.]


Numerous research studies suggest that people learn more and retain more information when they feel involved and included in the discussion i.e. when they’re talking with someone as opposed to when they simply sit back and listen to someone speak at them.

There’s just something uniquely powerful about people actually talking.

Our company, VoiceVoice, exists to light up the world with the power of those special, amazing conversations where everyone can participate fully and feel involved and included. That often means people talking in many parallel small groups, guided or facilitated by a central host. Everyone can contribute, meet others, vote, take notes and otherwise apply themselves. And that makes these conversations better for learning, fostering relationships and inspiring real-world actions

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purposeful conversations voicevoice platform

Why We Exist: A History of VoiceVoice, Technology for Conversations

Purposeful Conversations - a history of VoiceVoice
Reading Time: 3 minutes

[Editor’s note: The original version of this post can be found on our MaestroConference blog. The version below has been lightly edited.]

VoiceVoice, the company, was created specifically to bring to life a particular format of conversation.

Back when I was a student attending a workshop, a training, or a class, the teacher or facilitator would say, “okay, turn to your partner and tell them why you are here, what you want out of this lesson, what you’ve learned.”

I could feel my excitement, the excitement of the room, when the questions were on topic. Rather than just listening to someone speak or teach, we were connecting to other people by actively, deliberately participating and talking live with others in the room.

Some people refer to this format of conversation as “facilitated, guided or hosted.” Those in a teaching context call it “active learning.” These terms are all related, but to me, none of them truly encapsulate the essence of these purposeful conversations, so I struggle with the wording.

And yet the purpose of our technology has always been crystal clear- to create these very lively conversations and invite very large groups of people to participate in them.

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